Wednesday, July 11, 2007

When Nothing Else Fits...

When Nothing Else Fits
Originally uploaded by littlelovelies.
My shoes always will! Thank goodness for that!

Tomorrow my neice and nephews are coming over to play and make homemade corndogs (maybe this is why only my shoes fit...). I don't know who is more excited about this me or the kids. Probably me. They are too busy being tired and grumpy at the moment. I accidentally squashed Peanuts foot with my chair and I refused to let Monkey have Corn Pops for dinner. two nights in a row. I am SO mean.


PamKittyMorning said...

I love love love corn pops. Sugar Pops of the past.

Anonymous said...

I've been feeling the same way lately - that's a good thought to go with - at least my shoes fit!! Good luck on the corn dogs -- they sound yummy!

Chara Michele said...

Those are all cute shoes!

faithsalutes said...

Hi! I have not been able to leave a comment on your site in a long time...I always try, but my computer freaks out for some reason. Anyway...I started going to the gym (haven't gone in years and years) because nothing fits...not even the "fat" clothes. Why? Because I love to eat crap that is why...and well...I am so jealous you are eating corndogs. Can I come over...

deb said...

Total cuteness on all those shoes!