Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Should I Stay or Should I Go?*


I am a perpetual cheapskate, but I think I might have to be done with blogger. I want to be able to reply to the comments I recieve from all you cool people and get comments from those who email me to tell me they can't leave a comment because blogger has some sort of grudge against them. Was that a run on sentence? I feel like it was...but I digress. I am looking into typepad because, well, everyone has typepad, so it must be just peachy, right? The only thing that bums me out about typepad is that it costs moola and I am cheap.
Why pay for a service when you can get perfectly mediocre service for free, right? Hmm. Maybe I should rethink that one. Anyway, you typepad fans out there, sell it to me. Should I stay or should I go?

*Is it weird that song lyrics amd movie lines fit so well in my daily life? Probably, but it is fun. I am so lucky to have a husband who always knows what I am talking about when I insert a movie line into our conversation and can do it even more flawlessly than I.


Claire said...

&@^%#!&%# Well the fact that I can't fix the paragraphs on this post is reason #1 to break up with blogger!

PamKittyMorning said...

Sometimes I have blogger trouble but I have more trouble leaving typepad comments. Plus to me, typepad is VERY VERY SLOW loading. So I'm sticking with free blogger, even though sometimes it twarts me with weird editing etc.

Anonymous said...

Typepad has a 14-day trial for free. If you don't like it, you can always go back to blogspot, right?

Anonymous said...

Well, I just made the switch, and the only 'burp' I had was that I had inadvertantly set the comments to be from 'members' only, meaning only those using typepad could leave a comment...once I fixed that I can say that I am 120% happier with typepad then I was with blogger...I've NEVER thought "darn, I should have just stuck with blogger"...kwim?

Good luck with your decision Claire :D

PamKittyMorning said...

Uh this is funny, I diss typepad and now I can't get to any typepad accounts, haven't been able to for over an hour!

speckledhen said...

I had a typepad blog a little while back. More bells, whistles and design options but the same lame bugs. Your blog is wonderful, at either address :)

Chara Michele said...

Why not try wordpress instead? You would get email addresses, but not have to pay anything. I am currently on blogger, but plan on switching over to wordpress someday... :)

Jessie said...

I'm in the same boat as you. I'd hate to start all over.. but it seems like a lot of people start with Blogger and move to TypePad - you'd think there must be some reason.

I really didn't like how I couldn't move the pics around in Blogger, but I just figured out how to manipulate the html, so I've worked it out.

Ive actually set up the free account on TypePad a couple of times, and found it really difficult to figure out. Hmmmm...

karlascottage.typepad.com said...

I have been very happy with Typepad, but haven't tried anything else, so can't compare. I did upgrade after a few months, those extra features can suck yo(and your money) in

Sugar Bear said...

I'm on Blogger but it does seem that those with Typepad or Word Press have more options as to the design and look. However, everytime I click on a Typepad blog it takes forever to load - not sure why.

Anonymous said...

Ya... funny that you ask this when just YESTERDAY typepad was down for over 5 hours to due an electrical surge at their host (or something technical like that) That really kinda made me mad yesterday... but all in all I think they are all the same. I signed up for a free blogger acct so I can comment on ANYONE's blog now :) I agree... same burps, same hiccups, maybe a few more bells and whistles, BUT your blog is fabulous as is! If you do make the change tho, I'll help ya, cause lord knows I have typepad (mostly) figured out now :)

Anonymous said...

I used to be on blogger and moved to wordpress and have been very happy there! I can't see moving anywhere since every feature I want comes free with wordpress!

Unknown said...

I second what Stephanie just said. I switched from Blogger to Wordpress and I love it!

Anonymous said...

Its sort of the difference between staying in a swank hotel or the Comfort Inn. Blogger is the Comfort Inn. You can still get a good night's sleep there but you'll enjoy the swank hotel more. Hope this helps :)

linda t said...

I agree, when I check a typepad blog it seems to take forever to load! But the bloggers load immediately... go figure.

beki said...

required email address of commenters is my favorite feature of typepad.