Crochet Parade
I'm still working away on my granny squares. I'll probably be traveling with them for the next little while. If we have plans to see each other in the next few weeks, I'll likely have yarn, hook and squares in tow. I had told myself that I would make five squares a day, but I am averaging three a day. A bit below my goal, but the day is young, I still could make 5 for today at least.Missy and I have been busy preparing for Handmade Parade. We are getting a blog up and we'll be adding profiles of our crafter/artists and other cool information as time goes on. Be sure to check it often and leave comments. We'll have suprise drawings for cool stuff every once in awhile so comment away, kids.
I wish I could stay and chat longer, but one of my munchkins is deciding to have a meltdown, so duty calls!
Good luck on your project. Looks like it is going well. And I know what you mean about the kids...mine just had a dramatic melt down because her red sparkly shoes are too small. It's a tough world out there...shoes that are too small can put you over the edge.
Sounds like you have been staying busy, all around! I couldn't find an email for you but I wanted to tell you that I have been checking my mail for a little package :)?
I can't wait to hear more about the crafting event. Makes me want to take a trip out to CA.
Oh, she's wearing the cute heart outfit! I can't wait to see more about this Handmade Parade business. Also: I'm on the verge of starting a granny square project of my own(How can I not with all the inspiration around me?). First, I must learn how to make one! I look forward to seeing more on your project. :)
Good luck...can`t wait to see more
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