The Colors of My Life...

I love color. When we bought our house the thing I was most excited about was getting to paint. We painted deep, dark, rich colors in our front room, bedroom and our son's room. They are gorgeous colors, but they are not my colors. I think maybe I thought they were, but after three years of living with them and one pregnancy where the darkness of our front room practicaly drove me nuts (below) I realise that light, bright and fun is what I need.

Army Green, Ralph Lauren Paint
We are going to be remodeling our kitchen in the next couple of weeks, and I am absolutely ecstatic about new colors, cabinents, curtains. Right now it is a bright white, but we'll be painting the walls a new color. We were thinking the green, but now a pale yellow is speaking to me, but we'll see when the time comes what I pick.

Smokey Plum, Behr Paints
Our bedroom is the picture above and it is the one room where the dark color dosen't bother me. I think it is because the windows in there provide so much light and all our bedding is white, so the color dosen't overpower. If we ever move, though I'll be working off the color palete above.

I got this little stack of fabric today to make coasters from, but I am thinking I might be using a few in future curtain and or pillow projects. They are so yummy. I am not a huge orange fan, but I am really liking the paisly today. No worries-I'll never paint the walls orange!
You'll have a great time picking out your new colors and cabinets. As excited as I get about that stuff, there's also that sort of panic in me, thinking that I'm going to make a mistake about the color. I hope you will have a fun time with it. Also, I love the fabric - you're right, it is yummy. And I love the paisley too.
Allie from Minneapolis
Hi there just trying to catch up with eveyone, wanted to thankyou for your kind message.
I'm choosing colors right now for our house, and it is so very difficult! I oscillate back and forth between richer, purer colors and pastels. And I do keep asking myself, what is me? What do I really like? What can I live with? Honestly, I'm not sure. I know I love green, but I don't want it in every room. And that red you picked out... I think I might have chosen the same one. Is it Ralph Luren? Anyway, I'll probably just have to spend a bit more and get the tiny little sample cans! Thanks for your insight though. It reminds me of how important color really is.
*Ralph Lauren* My "a" key keeps sticking! :)
Since I've been painting walls I've noticed that I've lightened up my palet quite a bit. I used to like deep, dark, and rich, but these days I like light and airy. I still love color, though. Good luck on your kitchen remodel - I've been waiting to do ours for almost 3 years now!!
lovely fabrics! hope the kitchen remodel goes well, and quickly, too.
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