A New Blog and A Really Big Rant
So my friend Amanda just started her own blog called Daily Diner. It has great meal planning ideas and recipes and is loads of fun if you need to make a menu in a hurry. Be sure to check it out and say hi!! Oh and I chose this pic because it makes me happy and I am GRUMPY right now.
And now for the rant.
I took the dollhouse back today. It didn't fit my furniture and was a little too fragile for my kids to play with, so it really was the best thing. Well I get there and tell the lady these things and she starts looking it over and telling me that I broke the roof (one end was loose, as it was when I bought it), put in all these dents and basically broke it to bits. It was still in the condition I bought it in and the whole time she kept telling me I did these things. I assured her that I didn't and the whole time she is telling me I am lying.
My stomach churned and I couldn't believe my ears. If she had told me "Oh, I'm sorry we don't take returns (which apparently was their policy)" I would have gracefully said, ok, and walked away. It was my fault that I made an impulse buy I understand these things. But instead she said, "You are lying, you broke this house, but I'm going to do a return for you anyway." Gee thanks. I felt like if I said never mind I'll just take it and leave I'd be admiting to a crime I didn't commit.
She runs my card, shaking her head, sighing and saying, "I can't believe this. That house was perfect. Absolutely perfect." So I got my money back, but my dignity is on the green shag carpet of the store. I really feel like a huge jerk, even though as soon as I got home I looked at the pics I took and all the offensive dents she blamed on me are there clear as day. I know I didn't damage that house at all, but she made me feel like I threw it down a flight of stairs before returning it, and then tried to scam them.
What makes me even more mad is that the store was crowded and I know that I am going to be the topic of the morning. The lady who bought a perfect dollhouse and then broke it and lied about it. Whatever. I shouldn't care. I know I didn't do anything wrong. It just hurt my pride, really. I callled Aaron, bawled about it in the phone and he was sweet and said all the right things.
I've learned two valuable lessons. Impulse buys aren't worth it and when buying a vintage dollhouse, point out any and all flaws beforehand and make sure you tell the person that you know they are there, just in case you have to return it. Ugh. Lesson learned. The hard way.
In honor of a hard lesson learned, I think a giveaway is in order. I am doing the Club Little House with Inspire Co. and I will make one extra CLH set for the winner of my Ranting Drawing. So leave a comment here between now and Friday and on Saturday I will draw the winner's name. I have decided to make a 4th of July Picnic, complete with quilt, picnic basket (what I had gone into the offensive store for in the first place) and fireworks. Yes I said fireworks. There will be perfect little dollyhouse fireworks! So, friends, comment away!
Oh I am so sorry that lady was so evil to you! Sometimes people can take their bad moods out on other people, she was probably waiting for to bend and not return it!
Try not to let it get you down I am the same way and probably would have cried. At least you got it returned. Just keep staring at your happy picture!
I can't believe the treatment you received! Even if she felt that you did some sort of damage to it (which I know you didn't) hasn't she heard of "the customer is always right!" And then to mutter under her breath as she gave you your money back! You shouldn't have hurt pride you should be mad as heck! Is she the store owner or manager? If not, you should really complain to the owner/manager and never go back there again and tell everyone you know not to go there. That'll show 'em! Feel better! In the grand scheme of things it will fade to black in no time and we all love you.
Oh Claire. I am sorry she was so rude about the whole thing. I agree it would have been so much easier to just tell you that all sales are final. What is wrong with people?
I'm so sorry to hear about what happened Claire! I can't believe how rude people are these days.
But yeah, a good cry and maybe throwing around some pillows is always the perfect cure. :)
So sorry that lady ruined your day, and made you feel so bad:( Sounds like she just wanted to make a scene, because of all the people in the store. Give those little cuties a hug, and don't let her ruin the rest of your day !
Always remember, that when YOU know the truth, that is ALL that matters. No one can make you feel any certain way unless you let them. Just smile and know who is the better person. A person like that clerk obviously needs to belittle others in order to make herself feel better. I feel sorry for her. But as for you - just keep smiling & know who you are.
She made you feel bad and there is no excuse for bad manners. Maybe you should make a little mean lady doll and throw her around and bag on her self-esteem and throw her down on the green shag carpet. yeah. Let her see how it feels.
Yeah, you're a real scam artist, taking your kids to the homeless camps, donating your time and money to fight breast cancer, loving on three loves at home and everyone you come across. You're such a dirty-crosser, Claire! ;)
I agree that she probably only ranted at you to make herself feel better about problems in her own life. As long as you know and the people you care about know you did nothing wrong that's all that matters!
The shop looks great by the way :)
You stood your ground with a dishonest shopkeeper. Good for you! Now shake it off and don't think about that nasty lady anymore.
Oh for Pete's sake...poor Claire. Dontcha just get sick and tired of people acting like jackasses? Me too! You're children are darling and your husband sounds sweet and supportive. Shake it off..don't let the jerks get ya down! So says me. :-)
Ewww. Nothing worse than a nasty sales clerk. Don't let it get you down! In the end, you got what you wanted (and deserved) your money back. All she has is a bad attitude. Whose the winner now, huh?
Just try and think that she might have been having a bad day.She wouldn't have refunded you if she really thought you'd damaged it and she must be feeling pretty guilty about accusing you now.I always find it helps to think of how they must feel when I feel someone has treated me unjustly.Somehow it takes the guilt I feel away.You know you did nothing wrong she doesn't. xxx
aww, that sounds horrid! too bad that lady can't come here and read all these great comments in your defense, :)
it's always confusing to me when perfect strangers take out their bad stuff on me too.
She was rude and loud and after I received my money back I would have given her a piece of my mind. That was way out of line and horrible customer service!!! Loved your doll house, anyways!
Nasty people. Getting guilt all over you. Nothing like a heaping serving of passive aggressive behavior to ruin your day. Yuck.
People can be mean and ugly. Don't look back.
What a horrid small person. There is NO DOUBT in my mind the others in the store saw you as for who you are, and her for who she is. I BET she lost a lot of sales that day with her evil ways. Do your have cats? If so, I'm hoping one of them crapped in the corner of that house. And it ferments. And it attracts bugs. And then the bugs bite her in places she can't scratch in public.
I agree with Pam... don't look back. Well... maybe for a few seconds - long enough to name that shop in a big huge bold font.
Uhg! If I were in your shoes I would have hoped I would have some witty remarks to throw her way, but alas, that is never the case with me. I always think of the best things to say after the fact. I would never go back there. But I am glad you got your money back.
Ah yes some people are oblivious to the details the rest of us call facts... nothing to be done but try to laugh
That sucks that she was like that! How very rude and not a great way to get customers to come back to her store. I hope you are feeling a little better about the whole situation! :)
I have a friend who would say, "who put the chili powder on her K*t*x?" (I hope that doesn't offend you!) Here is something you should know at your young age...never explain anything. Your friends don't expect it of you, and your enemies won't believe you, anyway. That woman was a huffy snob, and I wouldn't shop there again. I doubt she'd talk that way to someone my age (I'm 51--and I happen to be a Clare without the 'i.')!!
Please enter me in the drawing for the picnic set. It sounds so cute!
I love your blog. Lots of great craft ideas. Thanks.
Regina Bostwick
Claire, I'm so sorry I wasn't there to kick her ass for you. It was probably loaded anyway and can't hold it any longer! Instead of excusing herself, she had to bite your head off to distract everyone including you from the noxious fumes coming from her!
Anyway, I love you more for being so creative and true to yourself no matter what! I'm so glad you found me!
wow! I am so sorry you had to have that experience! Sometimes life is hard and ya just gotta roll with it! I had a tin doll house that my husband bought for me- it was made in 1949 and had bits of rust and the front door was missing- I just sold it at a garage sale because he is building me a wooden one. I am a member of CLH too but haven't put any pictures in because my hosue isn't finished yet! Anyway- I love your blog and am adding it to my SB. Keep your head high and don't let the riff raff get ya down, kiddo!!
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