Thursday, November 09, 2006

Better Late Than Never

My little peanut's 1st birthday was in October, but I never got around to posting pics. Bad momma! I made a cupcake mountain for her, with a train going up the side. Yum! My son took the "i" from birthday, but we made do.

I did a carnival theme and had all kinds of games set up for the kids. I found some plastic flag bunting at a party store for $8. Best eight bucks I ever spent! It was the only decoration I used and it completely transformed the yard and made it very festive looking. Naturally I don't have great pics of it. I do intend on keeping it and using it for years to come, so it will re-appear in the future. I know it seems silly to have a big party with a theme and all for a one year old, but I have an unusually large family. I am the oldest of 22 grandchildren, 13 of whom are still in elementary school. Family parties are a bit of a big deal around here, and always lots of fun!

She really enjoyed her cupcake. It wasn't great from a culinary standpoint, but it was fun to watch her go to town on it. Isn't she the cutest?

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